Cairo, Maadi, Maadi Nile Corniche Street
(+202) 01010686053
(FOOD) (Microbiology) ميكروبيولوجيا الاغذيةHeavy Metals المعادن والعناصر الثقيلة(WATER & WASTE WATER)(Full Chemical)كمياء المياهSwabsمسحات ميكروبية(FOOD) (Chemical)الاختبارات الكميائية فى الاغذية(SUGAR) السكر والحلوى(EDIBLE OILS & FATS) الزيوت والدهون(CEREALS & CEREAL GRAINS) حبوب - وطحينة - و دقيق(MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS)الالبان ومنتجاتها(HERBS & SPICES) اعشاب و توابل(ANIMAL FEED)الاعلاف(FRUITS & VEGETABLES)الخضر والفاكهة(MEAT & MEAT PRODUCTS)اللحوم و منتجاتها(NUTS & NUTS PRODUCTS) النقل ومنتجاتها(DETERGENTS & SOAPS) صابون ومنظفاتحفاضات ومناديل وكمامات ( DPH )Mycotoxin - (FOOD)السموم الفطريةPollutants & Additives المضافات والملوثات(Packaging)مواد التغليف والتعبئة( مواد كيميائية )كشف الغش
[group FOODMicrobiology] (FOOD) (Microbiology) ميكروبيولوجيا الاغذيةBacillus CereusClostridium PerfringensColiformsEscherichia Coli (E. Coli )EnterobacteriaceEnterococciFecal StreptococciListeria spListeria monocytogenesPseudomonas spSalmonella spShigella spStaphylococcus aurousSpore Former ( Anaerobic )Spore Former ( Aerobic )Sulfite Reducing Bacteria (Spore)Thermo Tolerant Coliform BacteriaTotal Plate Count ( TPC ) - Aerobic plate countTotal anaerobic bacteriaWarm or parasite detectionYeasts & MouldsAnaerobic thermophilic bacteriaStreptococcus ThermophilusLactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricusAnaerobic bacteria producing hydrogen sulphite gas sardines and salmonMesophilic Bacterial CountPsychotropic CountBacteria freefree from fungiCandidaReady To Eat(TVC; SALMONELLA ; E COLI; COLIFORM ; STAPH) [/group]
[group HeavyMetals] Heavy Metals المعادن والعناصر الثقيلةAluminum ( Al )Antimony (Sb)Arsenic ( As )Barium ( Ba )Cadmium (Cd )Calcium ( ca )Chloride ( Cl )Chromium ( Cr )Copper ( Cu )Fluoride ( F )Iron ( Fe)Lead ( Pb )Magnesium ( Mg )Manganese ( Mn )Mercury ( Hg )Nickel (Ni)Phosphorous ( p )Potassium ( K )Selenium ( Se )Sodium ( Na )Sulfur ( S )Tin ( Sn )Zinc ( Zn ) [/group]
[group WATERWASTEWATERFullChemical] (WATER & WASTE WATER)(Full Chemical)كمياء المياهColorTurbidityOdorPHConductivityTotal dissolved solids ( TDS )Total hardness as ( CaCO3)Calcium ( Ca)Magnesium ( Mg )Bicarbonate ( HCO3)Total alkalinity as ( CaCO3 )Bicarbonate alkalinity as ( CaCO3 )Carbonate alkalinity as ( CaCO3 )Hydroxide alkalinity as ( CaCO3 )Chloride ( Cl - )Sulphate ( So4 -- )Nitrates ( NO3- )Phosphate ( PO4 )Free ChlorineSodium ( Na+ )Potassium ( K+ )Iron ( Fe)Manganese ( Mn )Copper ( Cu )Zinc ( Zn )Lead ( Pb)AcidityChemical Oxygen DemandTotal Soluble SolidsTotal Suspended MatterColiformsEscherichia Coli (E. Coli)Fecal ColiformFecal StreptococciEnterococcus facialsSpore forming sulfite reducing anaerobesLegionella SPPseudomonas aeruginosaTotal Plate Count at 30 oc (TVC) (TPC)Total Alkalinity as ( CACO3 )Hydroxide alkalinity as ( CACO3 )Carbonate Alkalinity as ( CACO3 )Bicarbonate Alkalinity as ( CACO3 )ProtozoaTotal HardnessChloren LevelBicarbonate ( HCO3 - )CarbonateChloridesCalcium hardnessMagnesium dysplasiaTotal Dissolved Solids ( TDS )PHTurbiditySulfate ( SO4 -- )ConductivityOdourColourFree Chlorine [/group]
[group Swabs] Swabsمسحات ميكروبيةTVCColiformsE.coliYeasts & MouldsSalmonellaLegionellaStaphylococcus aurousEnterobacteriace
[group FOODChemical] (FOOD) (Chemical)الاختبارات الكميائية فى الاغذيةNet weight - labeled weight - sensory properties - packaging conditionCOLOR - TASTE - SMELLApparent fungal growthsVacuumContents Size (Water Capacity)Grain shapeDefectsDissolved solidsfree Fatty acids in the extracted fat ( extracted fat + acidity)Insects and their stages - free of worms and sedimentRancidityClear solutionT.S.SBrixPreserve the natural propertiesAgglomerationAscorbic Acid ( Vitamin C )Particle Size ( Sieve test )ChlorophyllDextrose equivalent ( DE )AshProteinTotal nitrogen contentAcidity (as citric acid)Acid insoluble ashAbsorbanceSeparated liquid after meltingIron filingsMigration TOTALSulfur ash (on dry weight) - Sulphate ashWater ActivityFruit ratioNutritional Value (Calories &Carbohydrate & moisture & ash & fiber &fat & protein)Packing medium concentrate (solids)Color purityForeign Matter ( Tea - Food )Free from impurities and strange odorsAlkalinity of Ash in TeaThe percentage of total ash dissolved in water (Tea)Foreign plants in TeaAcid insoluble ash in TeaPH Value in tunaForeign MatterPaper tearing rate (grape leaf)Without insulting Sardine and SalmonFat on the dry weight of LuncheonHomogeneity in caviarFree of bitter, clay and waxy taste in caviarInsoluble impurities in water in saltMoistureSorbates ( as Sorbic acid )PolarizationConductivity AshColorLeaf Diameter - Grape LeavesVolume gradingThe proportion of seeds separated from the fruitEtheric extractAcetone InsolubleToluene InsolubleHexane InsolubleHydroxide ValueSO2 [/group]
[group SUGAR] (SUGAR) السكر والحلوىAshAcidity in HoneyMoisture in HoneyKind of pollen grainAcid Insoluble AshInsoluble MatterInvert SugarLoss on DryingReducing Sugar ( Molasses)Reducing Sugars (White Sugar)Reducing Sugars (Honey)Color InsolationSalmonellaTotal aerobic mesophilic bacterial countEnterobacteriaceOsmophilic yeastxerophilic moldSucroseTotal Sugars as Invert (Molasses)Detection of starchTotal Insoluble Solids (Honey)Total Solids (Molasses)PollenHydroxy-methyl-furfural HMFSugarElectrical conductivity ( EC )
[group EDIBLEOILSFATS] (EDIBLE OILS & FATS) الزيوت والدهونOil percentageAcid ValueAlkalinityAshCold TestImpurities - Insoluble matterIodine ValueMoisture & Volatile matterPeroxide ValuePeroxide number in the extracted fatSaponification ValueMelting PointUnsaponifiable MatterColorSoap contentP-Anisidine value (PAV)Halven TestAcidity- Acidity as oleic acid - free fatty acidTotal fatInsoluble impurities in petroleum etherBlurringLecithin as phosphorousAcidity as acetic acidpackagingNet weight - labeled weight - sensory propertiesFree of suspended matter upon meltingFree from worms and sediments, suspended matter in the vinegarSpecific weight 20°C - Specific gravityRefractive indexPackage contents of storage capacity
[group CEREALSCEREALGRAINS--] (CEREALS & CEREAL GRAINS) حبوب - وطحينة - و دقيقPercentage of peeled and broken seeds beans and meds beansThe causes of corruption in beans and beansRice fracture rateRed grainsDamaged and yellow grainsImmature GrainsRice barleyExotic non-vegetarian substances in ricePurity in BeansDefective seeds in BeansScarce seeds in BeansVarieties of violation of the category in BeansSnails in BeansField insects in BeansAshMoistureTotal ASHAcid Insoluble AshAcidityProteinImpuritiesDetection of starchCrude FiberFatFat AcidityRed CrustTotal CountFree from insects and rodentsApparent fungal growthsImpuritiesThe solids in the boiling water in pastaCooking quality in pastaThe appearance of pasta when cookingPH ValueGluten indexWet Gluten (Manual)
[group MILKDAIRYPRODUCTS] (MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS)الالبان ومنتجاتهاAcidity of ( Milk & Dairy Products & Cheese )Lactic AcidAsh in ( Milk & Dairy Products & Cheese )Bulk Density in Milk PowderFat (Dairy Products)Total fatFat on the dry weight of LuncheonRancidityMoisture (Dairy Products) - Dry matterDetection of starchFormalinPH Value (Dairy Products)Total Solids in Milk, Cream, cheesePeroxide ValuePhosphorous ( p )Free from impurities and strange odorsSingle fatty acids (as oleic)Textures in cheeseProteinImpuritiesFATS IN TOTAL SOLIDSApparent fungal growthsInsects and their stagesLactoseTotal Solids not Fat in Milk
[group HERBSSPICES] (HERBS & SPICES) اعشاب و توابلNet weight - labeled weight - sensory properties - packaging conditionAcid Insoluble AshAshCrude FiberMoisturesulfate impuritiesImpurities that are insoluble in waterSODIUM CHLORIDE on dry baseVolatile oilswater extractAlcohols soluble Extract
[group ANIMALFEED] (ANIMAL FEED)الاعلافAcid Insoluble AshAshCrude FiberDiameterFat ContentMoistureOil ContentTotal Sugars as InvertProteinSucroseUrease
[group FRUITSVEGETABLES] (FRUITS & VEGETABLES)الخضر والفاكهةFruit size and shapeAcidity in canned VegetablesAlkalinity of Ash in FruitsAshProteinCrude Fiber in FruitsImpurities in VegetablesMoisture in Frozen potatoes (French-fries)Net Content of Frozen FruitsNet Weight in VegetablesPH ValueSalt - Sodium Chloride in VegetablesSoluble Solids (Brix) in Fruits - tomatoSucrose in FruitsTotal SolidsTotal Sugar in Fruits
[group MEATMEATPRODUCTS] (MEAT & MEAT PRODUCTS)اللحوم و منتجاتهاAshFatMoistureProteinFree of indication of spoilageFree of slaughtering defectsDripPHTotal Volatile Nitrogen content (T.V.N)Thiobarbituric acid (T.B.A)
[group NUTSNUTSPRODUCTS] (NUTS & NUTS PRODUCTS) النقل ومنتجاتهاAshFatFiberProteinSulfur dioxide content [/group]
[group DETERGENTSSOAPS] (DETERGENTS & SOAPS) صابون ومنظفاتUnwetted WeightTensile force in the longitudinal directionTension force in the transverse directionFree from stains, wrinkles and dirtTexture - Foam - RinseSize - fishActive Matter in detergentsFat in soap and detergentsBacterial Efficiencysediment and impuritiesbenzene sulfonateSpecific gravityviscositySodium hydroxide ( NA OH Content )Sealing ClosurePh ValueMoistureTotal Chlorides in soapTotal Free Alkali in soapTotal Free Caustic Alkali in soapTotal Insoluble Matter in AlcoholTotal fatty matterEthanol insoluble matterFree fatty acid as oleic acidWater Insoluble matter in solid- detergentsWater content in soapPhosphate (PO4) [/group]
[group dph] حفاضات ومناديل وكمامات ( DPH )MoistureFree from stains and dirtOdor freeHomogeneous and burr-freePHMigration Test (pb-Cd-Ni-Zn-Fe-Cu)packaging caseThe number of layers of the maskDesign (covering the nose, Appropriate installation method)The average weight of the Mask - a rubber and non-rubber mounting partAverage square unit weight (inner and outer layer)Mask Spacevirtual check - Mask dimensionsfiltration efficiencyGross Weight - Package ConditionThickness [/group]
[group Mycotoxin-FOOD] Mycotoxin-(FOOD)السموم الفطريةAflatoxin total (G1,G2;B1;B2)Afflation B1Aflatoxin M1OchratoxinDONZONPotassium - sorbateSodium BenzoateAspartameAcesulfame potassiumSaccharinSorbates ( as Sorbic acid )Caffeine ContentZ toxin
[group PollutantsAdditives] Pollutants & Additives المضافات والملوثاتETOFatty Acid composition - Trans Fat from total FatFructose and glucose content - Sugar ProfileVanilla ConcentrationVitamins ( C- , B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 )Vet animal drugsbromate potassiumIvermectinGluten allergenLard and lard derivativesPesticide residueTri-nitrogen aminesHistamineTetracycline (antibiotic)Nitrate ( NO3)P2O5Particle sizePhosphate (PO4)Phosphor [/group]
[group Packaging] (Packaging)مواد التغليف والتعبئةOverall Migration TestLength - thickheavy metal ( lead - cd ) [/group]
[group group-306] ( مواد كيميائية )AppearanceAppearance - OdorAppearance ( Colour )Clarity & ColorColorForm and appearanceLoss on ignition ( Ash )Residue of ignition ( Ash )PHDensitySolubilityWater Insoluble MatterMoistureLoss on-drying ( Moisture )Free AlkalinityFatViscosity [/group] [group group-44] كشف الغشGMOEthanolAcrylamideCelery AllergenAntimicrobial effectHALAL ( Pork Detection / Alcohol)Pork Detectionamino acid profileendotoxin Detection <2endotoxin quantificationallergen tests [/group]