Mystery shopper Inspection

What is mystery shopping?

“Mystery shopping” is a form of market research where people are trained to observe, experience and evaluate the customer service process of an organization.

Mystery Shopping is an extremely powerful way to test service Standards,

And is a form of market research which assesses services wholly from the point of view of the customer.

  • Mystery Shopping is where individuals are trained to observe, Experience and evaluate the customer service process of an Organization.
  • They do this by posing as a customer and undertaking a series of Agreed Tasks, which monitor the service delivery and the Effectiveness Of staff training.
  • Each shop is followed by an evaluation, usually in the form of a Questionnaire.
  • Through the questionnaire, they report on their experiences in a Detailed and objective way.

What does a mystery shopper do?

A mystery shopper acts as a customer and carries out a series of agreed tasks, which monitor the quality of customer service of an organization. This could be any organization which deals with the public – for example a supermarket, a hairdresser, a solicitor, Cafes , restaurant or Hotels , or a landlord such as a local authority or a housing association.

If a mystery shopper was asked to monitor their landlord, they could, for example, be asked to phone and request a repair. They would have to monitor how long it took to answer the phone, assess how they were greeted and how efficiently and effectively their enquiry was handled. The mystery shopper would then have to report back their findings accurately and objectively by completing a questionnaire.

What is the purpose of mystery shopping research?

The purpose of the mystery shopper research is to provide feedback on the quality of service provided by the organization. This is intended to assist the organization to focus on customer service improvements by providing them with information on the quality of their current service.

Will staff know that a mystery shop is taking place?

All staff will have been informed that their organization intends to carry out customer research, but they will not be told when it will happen, or by whom.

Will staff be able to identify me?

Mystery shoppers will be trained to carry out their mystery shopping exercises without identifying themselves. Neither mystery shoppers nor individual members of staff are identified at any stage in the process.

Mystrey Shopper Approch

A monthly Guest Prospective Evaluation for fast service restaurants and supermarket operation reflecting the average of  services provided with in the same brand or comparing the service delivery evaluation with brand competitors.

  • Identifying internal strength
  • Clarifying areas of development.
  • Competition analysis and benchmarking.

Mystery Shopper service is stepped in 6 phases to insure that our reports will meet our client needs.

The full implementation of the service will be as follow:

  • Customer Interests ( Client Vision)
  • Type of Services “complex ,dine in, take away, delivery”
  • Service standards.
  • Other services “call center, customer service …etc.
  • of Outlets
  • Geographic Allocation
  • of Expected visits

  • Age
  • Average spending power.
  • Percentage of preferred service “Dine in – Take Away – Delivery”.

  • A guest prospective checklist to evaluate the service standards.

 visits to concerned location by Diversey Consulting team to:

  • Comparing checklist practicality on the floor.
  • Time to be consumed
  • Visit fee.

DC chooses visitors through the following process :   

  • CV’s collection.
  • Filtration
  • Interview and approval (customer involvement )

  • Each single visit will reported to the assigned person within 2 days of the visit.
  • Rechargeable summary report and analysis upon request “one a month basis.

  • Every month will a summary report or presentation cotain as follow :
      • Scoring summary
      • Majors problems and sometimes recommendation .
      • Auditor comments
      • Developing Graph